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Optimod-PCn 1600

Not everything is getting more expensive – server-based audio processing from the world market leader

The OPTIMOD-PCn 1600 is Orban’s solution for server-based audio processing. The price has now been lowered thanks to strong demand.

The product complements the well-known hardware processors and is the perfect choice for customers who need a flexible and scalable audio processing solution. The number of audio processors can be selected according to your requirements. In addition to a selection of factory presets, the software offers an offline file processor to process your .wav files individually or as a whole folder (e.g. for podcasts, pre-productions, online content or raw material). Diese Lösung eignet sich hervorragend für DAB+, Live-Streaming im Internet oder für die Contribution, weil Orban zusätzlich das spezielle PreCode Verfahren bietet. Damit kommen Audiosignale welche mit geringen Bitraten (z.B. DAB 64 kb/s) gesendet werden deutlich besser an. Die Architektur bietet dem Publikum einen konsistenten, angenehmen, gut produzierten Klang, welcher sich u.a. positiv auf die Hördauer und somit auf den Marktanteil Ihrer Programme auswirkt. Die Optimod Software wird als Windows-Dienst auf dem Host-Computer ausgeführt, automatisch mit Windows gestartet und läuft zuverlässig im Hintergrund. Weitere Auskünfte oder Hardware Alternativen erhalten Sie beim Schweizer Vertreter Sumatronic.

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Mastering example with Orban PCn1600

This comparison shows the capabilities of the OPTIMOD PCn as a mastering processor. The “unmastered” version was mixed through a slight peak limiter to prevent clipping, but was otherwise unprocessed.

Test performed by, our partner for professional streaming solutions worldwide

The goal was to create big, contemporary-sounding masters without the fatiguing distortion, overt clipping, grating high frequencies, and dynamic deadness of so much of today’s ”hypercompressed” commercially released music.. The example was mastered using adjustments to the OPTIMOD-PCn ROCK MASTERING preset. The mastering increased the BS.1770 loudness by about 6 LU, with the maximum BS.1770-3 Integrated Loudness going down to -5 LUFS.
The comparison image shows an analysis of the tracks with the free Orban Loudness Meter. The vertical scale is the BS.1770-3 integrated loudness at an integration time of 10 seconds; the horizontal axis shows time. Overall statistics for the file are shown below the graph.

You Fool – Before Mastering
You Fool – After Mastering with Optimod-PCn

Test here in full detail:

By the way, the manufacturer Modulation Index offers interesting technical insights into the world of streaming on their tech page here:
