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Transmission Technology

We are the only Swiss company that builds both radio studios and transmitters. With great experience and expertise in this area, we can offer the best service based on the latest standards.

Radio planning / KESS

Sumatronic provides computer based simulations for radio propagations for direct and indirect signal paths and delay-spread analysis for your needs. The very precise digital elevation-model in 20 x 20 meter pattern is the basis to perform calculations. Thanks to our in-house radio-planning system we can offer express deliveries or interactive simulation-session together with the customer.

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For our calculations we use a full “deterministic” simulation-system with 3D-culculation. Besides direct wave path, reflections and diffusions are also recognised. Therefore we can offer you services, such as simulation and planning. Thanks to our pre checks, you can avoid bad investment when choosing a wrong transmitter site. This saves you money and your precious time.

Especially in hilly regions there are some unpredictable surprises. It is not seldom, that a transmitter which produces enough field strength fails quality targets due to reflection of the waves due to steep rocks, water surfaces of lakes or snow covered ambiences. Often the quality of the reception is significantly reduced because of such effects. When analogue transmission is in use, such as FM-broadcasting, such disturbances can easily be recognised as stirring noise (especially when stereo reception is used) and the strong disturbing sway of reception level can easily be recognised. When digital systems are in use such as GSM-mobile telephone, DAB, DVB etc. the reception can give high bit-fault rate, which reduces the subjective quality of the reception, or might even cut the connection. Sole Reception level measurements have almost no value to effective utility to provide good general reception of an area

The right design and the optimal site-location of the transmitter and the testing with measures equipment will guarantee, that the investment will meet most of all expectation of the customer.

Maintenance and 24/7 Service

Our service team is 24/7 on standby to help you in case of a transmitter failure. Benefit from a maintenance agreement. With our frequent, precautionary measures we make sure that the plants are kept in good conditions and foreseeable interruptions and damages are avoided.

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Maintenance and 24 hours service for your technical facilities

The technological facilities, especially the transmission net, form the mainspring of every radio station. The transmission net and the transmission equipments are the moving mechanism which takes the product (radio program) to the consumers (listeners).

If the transmision net fails totally or just partly or only just for a few seconds, most listeners switch to the competitor. Various radio stations have fully entrusted the servicing, the maintenance and the 24 hours service to us. In order to meet high responsibility, we have established a servicing maintenance concept and a 24 hours service among other services.

Acting as a precaution to avoid damages and value disintegration.

With our frequent, precautionary measures we make sure that the plants are kept in a good condition and foreseeable sub-breaks and damages are avoided. Therefore consumable wear out parts are replaced before a failure arises, based on our around 17-years experience. All the settings and the emission ratings are also checked and adjusted when it should be done. This way the value of your plant is protected, the life cycle is extended and it reduces the risk of failures strongly.

Act fast if it comes to a failure despite of all precautions.

Every break down is annoying, no matter what it is. As a central help point, we offer our customer to coordinate the performances of third party partners. In the context of our 24 hour service, conflict such as X.21 line of Swisscom or a simple power failure, we will investigate and find out where the failure is. It will be relief to your radio team. We can identify the damage immidiately and re-activate the transmition mode, thanks to our long-standing experience and careful investigation. Even if there is a serious damage or defect of your transmission installation, we have replacement parts at our disposal to make the break down period short and avoid a bureaucracy.

Our 24 hour service is 7x 24 hours at your disposal.

It will be a pleasure to offer you a service package, which will accord your requirements and agree to your economical possibilities the best.

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